Thursday, March 22, 2012

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, is well worth the long trip to get to it.  The day I was there, the weather was overcast with some rain, so I didn’t get wonderful photos of the falls.  There is a trail in a park along the falls that goes for most of a mile, with 16 viewing points.  I may not have been able to get photos with bright-colored rainbows that can be had on sunnier days, but I really enjoyed the subtle variations of greens and grays that I saw.  It was almost like looking through a kaleidoscope—the scenery shifted moment to moment due to variations in lighting and spray. 
The falls actually go around that huge island on the right

Another section of the falls
Victoria Falls is about 5600 feet wide, and the falls drop as much as 350 feet at some points.  It’s described as the largest single sheet of falling water in the world.  The indigenous name for it is 'Mosi-oa-Tunya' , which means the 'Smoke that Thunders'.  It’s an apt name.  The roar of it can be heard from a mile away, and the spray is phenomenal. 

This last picture is for Chris, who comments that I don't have photos of me on my blog.  See, I'm actually here!
Maggie at Victoria Falls

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